Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pursuit of happiness or sweet 2012 memories


It's been quite a time that I reminisce those past times of my vacations.

Haven't been near the seaside (here I mean beach, sand and warm sea) since 2012.

That is, probably, why I dived into even deeper nostalgia for my 2012 summer when I was in Malta.

I remember posting something on the blog from there but don't really know if those pics were published :

Malta is where I met my friends I still keep in touch with. And this September My Mysterious He (MMH) and I are invited to the wedding of Liza and Martin who met in Malta in the year of 2012!
Malta is a pretty small island country with reeeeally nice climate and nature :)

But actually, there is one more reason for remembering summer 2012. The matter is that MMH is invited to a corporate party of his company that is to take place in Malta.
And I see no reasons why I would not be able to join him. Well, by these reasons I mean that nothing and nobody can prevent me from doing this but my financial situation :)

And all of the visa formalities definitely imply some difficulties but this is how it usually is. If you are Russian and if you wanna travel abroad to the Schengen area you have to go through all the paperwork. And pay :)

And I know, that I can save up for doing this but I, actually, had much more altruist plans on how to spend the money (within this context this word stands for my shitty salary).

Will see what takes over: egoism or altruism :) Or can I manage both?

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