Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Truly employed

Yo world
As always, I'm sending you warmest greeting from Moscow underground while heading to the office.

Here's my office outfit so that I keep my blog more or less catchy for someone's eye 
If you gotta work at the office, make sure you are as grey as the sky in November. Or today. It's about to rain and very gloomy :(

But, anyway, hope, this day will be awesome. Looking forward to my lunch break. No, I'm not hungry, the case is that I arranged a meeting with My Mysterious Him (MMH) to have lunch together ;) hope, I'll not dissolve into greyness of routine by this time :)

Yesterday I signed a real contract at work. I was employed in October 2015 as a temporary employee while the constant one was on her maternity leave. She's back now, but she's got a promotion or something like this, I don't really know, but at least, I'm sure she's now taking another position and I am  a real employee since now. Tadaaa

Ok, have a wonderful day, the one who got his eyes caught by this page...:)
CIAO! :)

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