Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday before work

It's Sunday already and that time without work passed really fast but it was awesome :) though, I am really afraid to come back to work because I might find myself into the deepest depression with a lot of work to do after these vacations. Didn't miss it at all, but I have no choice! Hope, it's all gonna be great and quite chill at the office tomorrow :)

This week my friend Mary flew to Israel to work as volunteer at the hostel and we invited her to a dinner together. 

We also visited 2 cathedrals and were to the red square.
The first cathedral is called St. Basil's  orthodoxe cathedral and it's located on the red square. It's a combination of the museums of old churches and cathedrals which were there before. I guess, everyone is quite familiar with this image 

And after this one we went to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior which is my favorite one in Moscow

Il est le temps des Cathedraaaaaaales

These days were quite lazy but it still was very cozy to stay at home. I didn't skip the lesson with my pupil so it kinda compensates my laziness during the whole sick leave)))

I even bought some origami, check this out:

Yesterday we went to some belgian beer bar because My Mysterious He (MMH) is fond of beer and it's not only knowing the difference between dark and light, filtred and non-filtred but knowing how it should be brewed and what it should taste like.

The weather was reeeally nice and now I defenitely feel spring and what makes me feel it even mre is my favorite parfume of all time.

I have been using it for several years and still feel in love with it.

And today, this Sunday, my last day before coming back to normal working week we went to visit Pugs' exhibition. Had no idea of what it could be like because I just found some information on the internet about the event without any details like entrance fees and who could access the exhibition but it seemed like everyone interested in pugs ( and MMH is really into pugs) could go see them and learn how to treat if you wanna have one. And even buy one there. Turned out to be a dog contest for pugs ;)

Those dudes didn't look happy about taking part in this event and me neither. Don't really think the dogs enjoy themselves being there just for fun of their owners.

Then we took a small walk in the park and look what I got theeeeree:

Vegan capucino (yes, I missed it so much) with soy milk and vegan roll with falafel which was so big that I still feel full after quite a while.

MMH went for some kind of donuts and corndog. Didn't say a single word but I was much happier with my choice than he. TADA

And btw, nowadays there's a big choice of vegan options on the menu and everywhere in street food shops and ordinary ones because this period before orthodox Easter is called Fasting which is not really fasting but eating proper non-animal products. And I am reeeally happy about this.

Well, we are now home, MMH is cooking something while I am trying to send the pics to the computer and to complete this post. My iphone screen seems to get broken soon and sometimes it doesn't work at all. This definetely ruins my big plans for the gifts to mum but I will still try to sort this all out.

And as for the face swap with Dusya, next time when I come to parents where Dusya resides;) will maybe do this if she is ok with it ;)


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