Monday, April 18, 2016

It's a new day, it's a new life

Yo ninjas
It's Monday and I am in the metro, heading to the office
As usual. Feels better than last Monday after my sick leave but still not the best thing to do.
Anyway, hope, today is gonna be a good day.

I had great weekends that started with a snowy and gloomy Saturday (it's April !) which was followed by sunny and warm Sunday (however, I'm always cold). And that Sunday was the third one in April which meant no-entrance-fee museum day. And we didn't miss the opportunity to go to one of the museums participated in this event. My Mysterious He (MMH) and I went to Moscow museum of cosmonautics. When approaching the museum we saw a huge line but it went surprisingly fast and soon we found ourselves in the huge underground museum with several floors of history of cosmonautics and first objects ever launched into the space.
This is how the museum looks from the outside :
The monument of Russian cosmonautics and the statue of the founder: Tsiolkovskiy Konstantin 

And some photos from the museum:

And this is the world's first artificial satellite :) Russian 

The biggest part of the exhibition is dedicated to the first man flew into space - Yuriy Gagarin, but there's still a looot to see and learn about the history and other great and outstanding people. 

The museum of really interesting and big and it seems you can spend hours there and even more, but we soon felt hungry, so after checking the museum souvenir shop we went to dine. We returned home after that, and, given all the distances, this was all we managed to do yesterday. But you do not value by quantity, you value by quality. Which was great yesterday :)

And now it's almost my station to go off, so have a nice day anyone who might read this (statistics shows it happens but what if it's a technical bug..)))))

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