Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bye-bye holidays

This was an amazing week with plenty of events that took place.

My Mysterious He (MMH) and I explored Moscow, took long walks and enjoyed this awesome weather! It's been over 20 degrees these last days. 

I have been cooking a lot, but didn't picture all the dishes: pizzas, rolls, fried and sauced veggies, baked donuts or cookies, greek salad with tofu, bulgur with veggies, all of them were vegan :) here some of them:

We visited several new places to eat out when walking. Even some English pub to watch hockey :)

Yesterday we went to the city in the morning and walked walked walked until got really tired. It was the 9th of May, the day of Victory in the WWII, which is a great event in Russia. 

We saw the parade of the military technique, immortal regiment (a really impressive and heart-breaking thing), concerts, entertainments. Moscow is nicely decorated this year ;)

And every year, on the 9th of May they give big fireworks all over Moscow. I wanted to take MMH to the place with panoramic view over Moscow, and we actually did this, but in the afternoon, but since we live in the 24th floor, we decided to watch fireworks at our balcony which turned out to be a great idea, because we barely saw all of them (the big ones and some in our district) - I counted 11 fireworks.

And now...I'm on my way to the office. Cannot express how sad I am about this. Almost cried when locked the door and left MMH behind. I refuse to believe that it's already the 10th of May and we have 18 days left...because MMH is coming back to Sweden...the 28th of May, the day when I probably will sank in my tears ))

But still, we have the time left, and we already planned something for the next weekend. It's my mum's birthday on Saturday, and we are invited, and on Sunday we are going to watch a real hockey match ! Sweden-Switzerland!:)the first real match in my life :) 

Hope, this working week will be nice and relaxed, and hope, today is gonna be a great day! 

Ciao! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May holidays

Why does the time that you really enjoy pass so fast?
These have been very nice holidays that I spent with My Mysterious Him (MMH) and my family. 

We have been walking the first day of May in the parks and boulevards of Moscow which are now beautifully decorated and seem to offer a lot of entertainments :) 
Yesterday, the second of May my family, MMH and I went to the ethnical park-museum, which I would consider comparing to  Swedish Skansen, but it's still kinda different thing. It's called "ethnomir". There are numbers of different pavilions dedicated to different themes and countries, entering each of them you may learn something about the culture, take part in a workshop and taste traditional food. There are animals, such as farm ones, husky dogs, birds. But there's a very big BUT in it. Entrance fee comprises only entrance. You have to pay for extra activities such as workshops. Like....you bought an iPhone, and all of the apps are paid. ALL. 

We didn't participate in any of those workshops, though still managed to spend nice time together just by having a look at everything. However, tried Brazilian coffee at Brazilian pavilion, and tasted a "churchkhela" which is a dessert originated from Georgia and quite popular in such countries as Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and south of Russia. This is a sausage-shaped candy made of nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazel nuts) dipped in thickened grape juice. This is what it looks like:

I also made my own vegan sandwiches :)

The most interesting part of this museum was the USSR pavilion that's located near the main entrance. So, barely speaking, it was not even the main area of the museum, just some building with shops and restaurants in the surrounding territory :)

Mtv just pimped my ride 

My little party didn't kill anybody


MMh is suffering seasonal pollen allergies that is why we were back home pretty early. Had a nice evening together :)

Today ....allergy has shown its worst and in addition MMH got sick. And the worst is that we found this out only when he came back home from the gym.

While bed and warm blanket were curing him, I did something around the house, cooked and baked. 

Now I'm heading home from the railway station where I saw my granny off. She's going to the Volga region, where she was born and has an appartment, friends and relatives. For a week. Brought her my patty-cakes that I baked today with rice and tofu :)

Now running home to take care of my poor MMH!
Hope, he'll get better soon! I know the best treatment, it's preserved in my heart! 


Thursday, April 28, 2016

2 braids Thursday

Just wanted to share brand new hair trends of the season:

Made them myself this morning to get my hair more fluffy and add some volume. It's curly naturally, and when the humidity is really at a high level, as it is today, I got one trick how to keep my hair straight - I just need to attempt to make it curly. And it shows straight the opposite :) and since My Mysterious Him (MMH) said he liked it, I decided to keep the braids. Felt a bit uncomfortable as I always do when have my hair fixed. This is somehow related to having a lot of complexes, and I know, you need to love yourself, but seems like I need help. Or brain :) But well, about the hair, that is why it happens really rare when I have a bun or a tail. 
Got a llllot of comments today at work (like cute, cool, did you do them yourself, I would never make them so perfect and blablabla; but no one said this was "my" thing and that they fit me :(  ) but I was strong and here I am, heading to the pupil, still same hairstyle :)

Good luck !

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Truly employed

Yo world
As always, I'm sending you warmest greeting from Moscow underground while heading to the office.

Here's my office outfit so that I keep my blog more or less catchy for someone's eye 
If you gotta work at the office, make sure you are as grey as the sky in November. Or today. It's about to rain and very gloomy :(

But, anyway, hope, this day will be awesome. Looking forward to my lunch break. No, I'm not hungry, the case is that I arranged a meeting with My Mysterious Him (MMH) to have lunch together ;) hope, I'll not dissolve into greyness of routine by this time :)

Yesterday I signed a real contract at work. I was employed in October 2015 as a temporary employee while the constant one was on her maternity leave. She's back now, but she's got a promotion or something like this, I don't really know, but at least, I'm sure she's now taking another position and I am  a real employee since now. Tadaaa

Ok, have a wonderful day, the one who got his eyes caught by this page...:)
CIAO! :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016

One more week before longer holidayzzz

Next weekends we celebrate the Labor Day which is on the 1st of May and that is why we stay out of work for 4 days (regular weekend and then 2 and 3 of May which are Monday and Tuesday :)))))))Already have some plans, pretty family time spending because on the 2 of May we arranged a visit to ethnographic park-museum near Moscow with My Mysterious Him (MMH) and my...parents :)Will see. Past weekend was niccce, and I met with Chris! My "colleague" from Stockholm :) my friend is a better word :) we invited her over on Saturday and spent a cozy evening :) I cooked a berry pie with one layer of blended sunflower seeds and that tasted like halvah and went actually pretty good since I was given 8 out of 10 for that. I cooked Olivier salad (vegan, and if you are interested, Olivier salad is a very Russian thing, almost the most important ever must-have of a New Year table, the ingredients are cucumber, sausage (I used vegan one), boiled carrot and boiled potato, canned peas.Everything chopped in cubes, you might want to add some onion but I skipped it and then it needs some dressing which is usually mayo(again, I used vegan one) when served. 2 portions that MMH ate in several moments would give me, to my mind, from 6 to 8 out of 10. Then, I baked vegan donuts and decorated it with a carob chocolate and sprinkled it with decorative eatable pins :)
And finally, some vegan pizza. I used a ready-to-use dough to economize the time, but next day I made my own :) So here it is my totally own-made pizza. It is without cheese but I added it at the very end, to have it just melted, not burned.Before the ovenAfter :)Chris has been working in Sweden for some time, from the new Year until April, then got back to Russia to fix some visa related deals and now she's coming back to Sweden :) Next day I decided to make some cashew-based things which turned out to be milk and cheese! :)The cashew cheese is still in the fridge, it takes some time to form it and to get the right consistency....hope, it will work :)MMH and I went to a big shopping mall yesterday and spent almost the whole day there, walking along sport stores playing table hockey and football and trying different clothes :)And nowwww I am approaching the office. I really hope today is gonna be a calm day at work :)Good luck and ciao! :)

Monday, April 18, 2016

It's a new day, it's a new life

Yo ninjas
It's Monday and I am in the metro, heading to the office
As usual. Feels better than last Monday after my sick leave but still not the best thing to do.
Anyway, hope, today is gonna be a good day.

I had great weekends that started with a snowy and gloomy Saturday (it's April !) which was followed by sunny and warm Sunday (however, I'm always cold). And that Sunday was the third one in April which meant no-entrance-fee museum day. And we didn't miss the opportunity to go to one of the museums participated in this event. My Mysterious He (MMH) and I went to Moscow museum of cosmonautics. When approaching the museum we saw a huge line but it went surprisingly fast and soon we found ourselves in the huge underground museum with several floors of history of cosmonautics and first objects ever launched into the space.
This is how the museum looks from the outside :
The monument of Russian cosmonautics and the statue of the founder: Tsiolkovskiy Konstantin 

And some photos from the museum:

And this is the world's first artificial satellite :) Russian 

The biggest part of the exhibition is dedicated to the first man flew into space - Yuriy Gagarin, but there's still a looot to see and learn about the history and other great and outstanding people. 

The museum of really interesting and big and it seems you can spend hours there and even more, but we soon felt hungry, so after checking the museum souvenir shop we went to dine. We returned home after that, and, given all the distances, this was all we managed to do yesterday. But you do not value by quantity, you value by quality. Which was great yesterday :)

And now it's almost my station to go off, so have a nice day anyone who might read this (statistics shows it happens but what if it's a technical bug..)))))